Client under an LED Red light

TOMA LED Red Light

LED red light therapy (which stands for light-emitting diode) is a non-invasive, painless treatment that utilizes different wavelengths of infrared light to help treat various skin issues such as acne, fine lines, and wounds. It is a lower energy form compared to the sun and laser treatments. The light is absorbed by the molecules in the skin, which in turn alters the biology of the cells.

The LED Rainbow Light by TOMA has six varying wavelengths of light to reduce inflammation, increase collagen production, and reduce oil production for acne prone skin. Different LED wavelengths that show up as color have different benefits.

Which color of LED light therapy is right for me?

Stimulates collagen production, reduces inflammation (rosacea), promotes wound healing, improves fine lines.

Excellent after a peel or micro-needling. Good for inflammation and pain in joints.

Kills bacteria and reduces over sebaceous gland production.

Gentle acne treatment, perfect for combination aging skin, controls oil production and promotes collagen synthesis.

Treats and prevents hyper-pigmentation by inhibiting the production of excess melanin.

Treats redness, sensitivity, irritation, and rosacea. Reduces the appearance of the tiny blood vessels.

Combination of red and blue benefits.