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Moxibustion: The Benefits of Moxa

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What is moxibustion?

Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy that has been used for hundreds of years in Chinese Medicine. It is an integral part of Chinese Medicine. In fact, the Chinese term zhen jiu, which in English is translated to acupuncture, actually refers to acupuncture and moxibustion. Zhen means to puncture the body with a needle and Jiu means to use fire to heat acupuncture points.

moxa cones on ginger

Photo by Chinese Medicine Podcast Podcast from Pexels

Moxibustion is the process of burning the dried leaves of an herb called mugwort (also called Artemesia vulgaris, Ai Ye or Folium artemisiae). It produces a strong heat that penetrates deeply into the muscles and joints. It can be applied directly to the body on various acupuncture points or indirectly. The indirect method most commonly used is a moxa stick. A moxa stick is a large cigar of rolled mugwort that is lit and held a few inches above the skin. Other direct methods shape the moxa into the shape of a cone or a grain of rice. Like in the photo above, it can also be placed on a slice of ginger which is then placed on the body.

How does moxibustion work?

The warmth from the moxa penetrates deep into the body to warm and move Qi and blood. It increases circulation and blood flow to the body. In spite of the heat, it is very useful for reducing inflammation.

What does moxa treat?

It is wonderful for a number of conditions:

  • joint pain
  • menstrual cramps
  • digestive issues such as IBS and diverticulitis
  • immunity and allergies
  • fatigue
  • gynecological and fertility conditions
  • turning a breech baby

Is moxa good for everyone? 

Unfortunately, the smell of moxa can be very strong, even with smokeless moxa. It may not be appropriate for people who are sensitive to smoke. Although it can be used for allergies to open up sinuses, it may make some allergies worse. The smell is unique but can often be confused with marijuana. Most people in my clinic find the smell pleasant and calming. Even those with allergies can tolerate it briefly with the right ventilation and air purifiers.