Austin Allergies Respond to Chinese Herbs for Relief of Symptoms

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Austin Allergies

Austin allergies are notorious. We live in a beautiful city with beautiful weather full of patios, trails, and lakes. Unfortunately, many people cannot enjoy the outdoor activities because of their allergies. Allergies are immensely complicated – compounded by factors that are hard to identify.

I have written about the effects of nutrition and food on allergies here. Today, I wanted to discuss how Chinese herbs can help with allergy symptoms.

There are a number of Chinese herbal formulas that help with sinus pressure, congestion, headaches, drainage, and red, itchy eyes. Similar to western allergy medicines, it can take a few trials to determine which medicine is best for you. I suggest trying a few different formulas and/or combining a few of them to get the best results. As I have mentioned, allergies are complicated and multifaceted. Be patient and give it some time to find the right herbal formula. Schedule a consultation with me if you are in Austin and I can help. Or find a licensed acupuncturist in your area to prescribe herbs for your particular situation by going to the NCCAOM website.

Chinese Herbal Formulas

There are many different kinds of herbal formulas for sinuses and allergies but these are some of the ones I love the most. These formulas are mostly working on symptoms rather than prevention (there are herbs for those that we will discuss another time). After taking the herbs, you should notice a change within an hour or so. If not, it may not be the best formula for you or you need to try a combination or increase the dosage.

Here are the herbs that I highly recommend for allergy symptoms:

  • Pe Min Kan Wan by Plum Flower


This herbal formula treats acute or chronic sinus congestion. It helps to dry out the sinus cavities from thick mucous, clear away those pesky headaches from the mold or pressure you feel in the head or nose. I recommend starting at a low dose and increasing if you don’t notice enough after 30 minutes.



  • Bi Yan Pian by Plum Flower




This herbal formula is similar to Pe Min Kan Wan but typically is used more for runny noses and nasal congestion.



a bottle of easy breather herbs

This herbal formula contains herbs that boost immunity as well as help alleviate symptoms. I find it is particular helpful for nasal congestion.

Other Herbs & Supplements to Aid in Sinus Relief

bottle of supplementThis supplement contains herbs like nettle, bromelain, and quercetin to reduce inflammation caused by allergies. It is a useful supplement for anyone who has systemic inflammation in addition to sinus congestion and allergies. Also available in a chewable tablet for children. Available at my clinic in Austin or my online pharmacy.

  • Chrysanthemum Tea

Chrysanthemum flowers soothe red, itchy eyes. Steep some dried flowers in hot water to make a tea. Let it cool if you want to have a cooler drink in the summer. You can find chrysanthemum tea in cans at stores like HEB or asian markets but remember there is a lot of sugar added so be sure to dilute it. Be aware that chrysanthemum is in the daisy family (like echinacea and chamomile) so may not be appropriate for people with ragweed allergies.

This tea helps reduce inflammation of nasal passages.

  • Orange Peel

Orange, mandarin, tangerine, and other citrus peels are great for drying out mucous. Look for orange peel tea at the store or buy some organic oranges and use the peels to make a tea. Especially useful if the congestion has dropped into the lungs.

These are just a few of the most popular herbal remedies in my clinic to help you fight these dreaded Austin allergies. Buy them through Amazon or other online stores. In Austin, AOMA Herbal Pharmacy – north and south locations – sells them as well as Whole Foods and Natural Grocer’s.

I wish you good health!