Prevent flu symptoms naturally and stay healthy all winter long

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Everyone has heard the latest statistic regarding the flu vaccine this year: it’s only 10% effective. That means there’s a huge need for other ways to prevent flu symptoms this winter.

This also happens to be cedar fever time too in Austin which compromises our immune systems and makes us more susceptible to illness, cold, and flu. Check out my blog on allergies if you are experiencing symptoms of cedar fever which may include:

  • sneezing
  • itchy, watery, and red eyes
  • runny nose
  • nasal congestion
  • fatigue
  • headache
  • sore throat

Simple Ways to Prevent Flu Symptoms

1) Wash your hands

The first way to prevent flu symptoms is to wash your hands often. Handwashing is the best way to prevent spreading germs. I cannot tell you how many times I have noticed people leaving a public restroom without washing their hands. These same people are touching the same handles and doors and faucets that others have touched. Wash your your hands, people! Wash your hands!

2) Avoid touching your face

The second way to prevent flu symptoms is to avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes. This sounds like an easy task but most of us are in the habit of rubbing our eyes, itching our noses, biting our nails, etc throughout the day. Just try watching a co-worker or loved one for 3 minutes and see how many times they touch their face. Even if you pick up some germs from a restroom door handle, you’ll be less likely to transport the germs to your mucous membranes and into your body if you avoid touching your face.

3) Take adaptogenic herbs and chinese herbal formulas

Aside from this basic hygiene, boosting your immune system can help prevent flu and cold symptoms. Taking adaptogenic herbs like reishi, chaga, and cordyceps stabilize and balance the body by promoting homeostasis in the immune system. Click here for a great conversation about how Tero Isokauppila, founder of Four Sigma Foods, is making mushrooms and adaptogens more accessible. In Chinese Medicine, rather than taking herbs individually, most herbs are used in combination with other herbs called formulas. These formulas are prescribed by a licensed acupuncturist on an individual basis to help balance your immune system. Contact me for an herbal consultation.

4) Take supplemental Vitamin D

Low vitamin D levels correlate with a greater risk of respiratory infection. Read about the large scale meta analysis study here. Ask your doctor to test your Vitamin D levels before flu season begins. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and takes a few months to build up in your system and also is not recommended if you already have adequate supplies in your body.

5) Receive regular acupuncture and acupressure treatments

Acupuncture regulates and balances the body and immune system through regular treatments. It has a cumulative effect on the body’s homeostatic functions. One treatment can definitely help but weekly sessions about a month before flu season starts would be ideal. Acupressure on common immune boosting acupuncture points can also help as an adjunct to acupuncture treatments. Stomach 36 is an excellent acupuncture point to prevent flu symptoms and to strengthen immunity. To locate Stomach 36, click here.

I wish you all much health and wellness this flu season!

heart with words wishing you good health